Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 4 December 2014

Purge poster analysis

The title 'PURGE' fits in with the typical media convention of having it in bold capital letters so the title is the main thing to stand out on the poster. As well as this, other conventions are used i.e. writers, directors and actors are displayed on the poster at the bottom.
The protagonist is shown as the main character in the poster with the background blurred out to make her stand out more. Darker colours are used.
The title is centred between the main protagonist and the edge of the poster- using the same size gaps between the letters and the edges of the poster.

We can tell by her facial expression that this may be a thriller/drama sort of short film. (She seems very glazed over) Like many posters, it doesn't give away much content of the film, neither giving away a specific genre or audience age/gender.

The poster seems to show of a low-budget short film as there isn't much too the poster and it seems very bland and doesn't catch attention to a viewers eye.

We may justify that this film is for teenagers due to having a teenage protagonist which the audience may be able to relate too and also there is a website reference at the bottom- very typical of short film posters- which may be more appealing to teenagers as they are the most technological generation of this day in age. The film may be for lower to middle class income as it is a short film and wouldn't be displayed in big cinemas but rather smaller independent cinemas for people interested in short films- i.e. film students who wouldn't have as much money. It would also be able to be viewed online which would be much easier for people of a lower class.

Most films would have a strong male character as the main character however this film poster seems to go against stereotypes by displaying a strong looking woman as the main image.

1 comment:

  1. This is very short Megan, and needs clearer references to the context for such a poster. As you say, there's not much here, and it may have been better to think of the marking for this task and do one with more to write about (you've already done 1 short film).
