Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Monday 15 December 2014

Looking Back...

Looking back…

I feel that our final short film has definitely reached the standards we were hoping for in our research and planning. The final grouping of scenes are definitely what we were hoping for if not more. In the research and planning stages of our portfolio the post below was published stating our synopsis.

I feel, even though our synopsis has changed, this was still a brilliant base level to refer back to as we created our short film. It is also interesting to see how much our short films plot adapted as we went through, as shown through varying from our synopsis in some ways.

I feel as though my poster design is still very similar to how I imagined it to be. I always had an idea in my mind of what I wanted the poster to look like, which is shown through my first draft. Even this wasn't my exact original idea as the titling and various other aspects had become more creative and in-depth than I could first imagine.

First Poster Draft

Also, looking at my final design, audience feedback played a massive part in the creation of the poster. My original idea paired with conventions and the other aspects created the poster we have formed which I believe is highly realistic and successful.

Final Short Film Poster

The review I couldn't really imagine in my mind due to never reading Little White Lies. However, after researching the review and conventions and planning our review out in terms of both text and layout I would say the final outcome is very much what I envisioned.

The text within the review is related very much to the Little White Lies conventions along with putting our own takes on the review, really creating something I wouldn't have imagined creating at the start of the year. I am very impressed with how our review turned out both visually and literarily. Again, audience feedback and conventions definitely also added to our review.

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