Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 11 September 2014

Audience in 'Mixtape'

It's not entirely clear what the target audience for this short film is. The actors are mainly children, possibly around the ages of 13 to 14, so it could be directed at a younger audience; younger actors means children can relate to them.

However, the obvious contradiction of this is the music. The music is 70s/80s indie/rock, and it's normally what the majority of adults listen to as it's what they grew up with, so the target audience could also be directed at adults that listened to this genre of music when they were younger. This short film shows that some of the younger generation also enjoys that style of music, and could cause the older generation to reflect back on their younger years to when this music was new.

Also, the actual mix tape itself is older technology, which appeals to the older audience. At the beginning of the short film, the boy appears to like the style of music and era, as his bedroom isn't like a modern child's bedroom.

This is also shown in their clothes; simple, a lot of plaid and quite smart, which could reflect the style of the 70s/80s era. All of this shows that the short film is mainly directed at an older audience.

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