Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 11 September 2014

Criticism of AS Thriller Short Film

Criticism of AS Thriller Short Film

My main criticism of our thriller opening is the recording and editing of sound with images appropriately. Within our opening the sound effects we chose to edit in (e.g. foleys) did seem to be rather out of time after re-viewing it at a later time. Looking at mise en scene our sound effects could have been more realistic in terms of pace and time, to create continuity throughout our opening. 

One example of where our sound effects were not used to the highest standard possible is with the pencil shot at the beginning. Looking back, the sound does appear to be too loud to seem realistic and the pace is a bit too quick.

Another aspect of the sound within our thriller opening that could be assessed and completed differently is the use of diegetic sound, particularly dialogue. If we were to use a voice recorder or attachable microphone rather than using the camera to pick up the sound the diegetic sound could have been much more crisp and clearly understood

For example in this close up, low angle shot, we could have used the voice recorder not only as a prop but also as a microphone. This would also ensure that only the voice of our actress could be heard and there was no background sound.

Looking at our use of recording and editing of sound with images, I would say that we did very well and used techniques appropriately. However, with other areas being used to a higher standard (e.g. mise en scene and visual editing) these aspects do stand out more predominantly.

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