Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 11 September 2014

Glossary of 5 key concepts


Media Language- This is media conventions which cue the audience to meaning through the use of camera work, editing, mis en scene and sound. E.g. how mis en scene is used to construct character. Different techniques communicate meaning and generate a response in the audience through the use of enigma codes.

Representation- The way in which the media "re-presents" the world around us in the form of signs and codes for audiences to read. Talking about positive and negative representations through social realism, discussing the use of stereotyping, using masculinity and femininity and describing the use of modern or traditional stereotyping to explain which social groups are relevant to the particular film.


Narrative- The way in which a story, or sequence of events, is put together within a text. All media texts have some sort of narrative, from a single photographic image to a sports report to a feature film. Using chronology of the narrative, linear or non-linear and which theorists can be applied to which film storylines and plots (Todorov, Barthes)
                    Equilibrium - Disequilibrium - New Equilibrium

Genre- A way of categorising a media text according to its form, style and content. This categorisation is useful for producers (who can utilise a genre's conventions) and audiences (who can utilise their expectations of the genre.) Applying Genre theory (Neale, Altman) look into genre codes and the impact of the way they are used in short film

1 comment:

  1. Some good summaries here Megan. Can you use more terms - eg semantic codes etc? Also, now add something on audience.
