Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 11 September 2014

Black Hole- Media Language- Megan

To begin with, the short film shows the opening title being opened into as what we expect is the 'black hole' which opens to show a man standing in the corner and a pan and zoom is used to come closer towards him until he is in the middle of the screen used as a shallow depth of field. His clothes suggest he is in a work environment; however his exaggerated sigh shows that this is a job that he doesn't enjoy and finds very boring. We can tell his lack of enthusiasm by the way his hair is messed us, his sleeves rolled up and his tie undone as if he has no pride in himself or what he does for a living.
The lighting and colour both give a dull and dingy effect, maybe representing how the protagonist is feeling about himself and his job- very bored and dis-hearted about himself.

A cut is used to show a prop- the photocopying machine that he isn't having much luck with. This makes us start to think that the photocopying machine places a vital role in this film as the dietetic and non dietetic sounds are all coming from the photocopying machine. A close up birds eye view shows the paper displaying the black circle as the 'black hole' and a medium close up shows the man's expression to be confused at this.

A cut is used to show the audience as if we are inside the black hole and looking out at a low angle medium long shot. This technique makes it seem as if the black hole is a living thing as this is a point of view shot from inside the black hole.
Sound effects are used as the man 'touches' the black hole to make is seem like something extraordinary and something that isn't from earth.

After the man has discovered the use of the black hole a lot of cut transitions are used to emphasise fast pace as excitement. A lot of close ups are used of the man's facial expressions to show excitement and wonder in what he can use this black hole for to his advantage.

After realising that he can use the black hole for his gain, his facial expression turns to one of greed.

Props such as the vending machine and a door are used to show how the black hole works before arriving at a medium shot of a metal safe.
His laugh to himself and the face pace cuts to show speed are also enough reason to suggest greed has over taken him as he grabs more and more money out of this safe.
 After the man climbs through the black hole, emphasis is placed on the strain on the tape through the use of close ups and extreme close ups of the black hole falling off the safe.

When the paper falls to the ground the shot returns to a mid angle shot, a sound bridge is used between the paper falling and the photocopying machine starting up again to make suspense. However, as the mid shot turns into a long shot to an extreme long shot we can see that there is no one around in the office to help him. The printing sheets of paper from the photocopying machine adds to the intensity of the completely otherwise, silent office.

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