Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 11 September 2014

Representation of Gender, Age and Class within 'Never Forget' - A2

Representation of Gender, Age and Class within 'Never Forget'

'Never Forget' hyperlink:


  • The slow pace shots of the female protagonist contrasted with the fast pace shots of the male protagonist creates the representation of the man being very comfortable in his surroundings, feeling as though he has higher power. The fast pace of the female creates the representation that she is perhaps living a fast paced lifestyle and appears very cautious and anxious.
  • Looking at costume, hair and make up, the male appears very smartly dressed and of a high social class, similar to the female. Though the use of the bow tie here is very interesting, with the colouring being red, which represents the colour of drama and danger.
  • Within the shots of the female protagonist, diegetic parallel background noise is used contrasted with the diegetic contrapuntal music in the background of the shots of the male protagonist. This creates the representation that the female is perhaps less prepared for the evening she is going to spend with the male.
  • With use of the prop of the mirror, spectators see the female protagonist checking her hair and make-up, which again, looks rushed. The shallow depth of field shot of the mirror allows the focus to be on the mirror rather than the protagonist creating the representation that she is distant.
  • Throughout the extract, a range of shot sizes and angles are used with the shots of the woman showing that she is perhaps 'all over the place' both physically and mentally. Ranging from close ups to extreme long shots, the juxtaposition of this technique with the constant medium long shot of the male creates the representation that she is on edge and he is more relaxed in the moment.
  • The big close up at mid angle of the male protagonist towards the end creates the sense of something dramatic happening.

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