Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Monday 20 October 2014

Actors and Planning Schedule!

We are planning to film our first couple of scenes on Tuesday the 21st October in the Common room after college. (3:45 onwards)
This will be because it will be much more quiter so we can hear our actors and there will be no background noise.
This is also an avaliable time for Jack, Maisie and I to be able to film this together and is a time where our character playing Faith- Catherine and Jack is free as stated above to play Ethan. 
The props we will need to bring that day will include Faiths outfit (60s style), her blind stick, books/folders for her to carry.
We will obviously need to bring camera and tri-pod to each filming session

We are planning to film some scenes in Brighton Wednesday the 22nd October from 2pm onwards as this is when all group members have finished college activites and our college actitives.
In brighton we will be filming Faith and Ethan on the pier, beach, starbucks and the bus scene at the end.
The props we will need to bring to Brighton will be a couple of costume changes for each character to show the passing off time as elipsis- this shows the friendship growing stronger.

We are planning to film one of our scenes in the Canteen on Thursday the 23rd October in our double period between 11:05 and 13:05. We will be filming the canteen scene where Ethans friends turn against him.

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