Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 2 October 2014

Group Role Application

Role Application
Synopsis Manager - Jack

Script Manager - Maisie
Character Profiles Manager - Megan

Casting Manager - Jack

Storyboard Animation - All of group
Storyboard Animation with Voice Over - All of group
Location Research Manager - Megan
Location Permission Manager - All of group
Health and Safety Manager - Maisie
Research and Planning - All of group
Lighting Decisions Manager - Jack
Sound Manager - All of group
Experimentation Manager - All of group
Collecting Audience Feedback - All of group
Photography Manager - All of group

Within our group we have attempted to assign different members with roles that fit their strengths. All group members take different A-Level subjects and we have used this to our advantage. For example, Maisie studies English Language and Literature so she was elected Script Writing Manager. Megan studies Psychology so we thought it appropriate for her to determine the costume, hair and make-up of the characters as well as personality and age, etc. Jack studied Photography so we thought he should be in charge of lighting decisions in order to create the best effect possible.

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