Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Thursday 9 October 2014

Ending Ideas

Ending Ideas

We've decided from audience feedback that it'll be Ethan getting hit by a bus rather than Faith so the ending is twisted and more unusual and unexpected.

However, we have many ideas of how we are going to make the death seem realistic through the use of the camera work and editing.

Idea 1: Using the camera from behind the 2 characters at a medium shot as we can then see the bus 'hitting' the character before we cut to a black screen. 

Idea 2: Showing the couple through a long shot or extreme long shot at mid angle from the other side of the road will create an impression of point of view. This will also show the facial expression and body language of the two as they look to cross.

Idea 3: We may also have a shot (if permission is granted) on the bus as the camera approaches the pair. This will create the sense that the bus is actually going to hit the two. 

Idea 4: Close ups of the red traffic lights, traffic light button, etc. Showing the realism of the bus needing to stop, but not stopping and therefore hitting the couple. 

After watching a compilation of shots in the video 'Hit By A Bus' on Youtube. A character is shown getting hit by a bus, this short film appeals most to our idea and is most ideal for us to film.

Please click on video to view.

This shot is a medium long shot showing the male protagonist in an attempt at starting to cross the road.
This shot is soon followed after a cut transition - manipulating time and adding to the fast pace. The setting of the zebra crossing also creates the sense that it is safe to cross. This will be a technique we use also.
Having a medium close up at high angle or mid angle allows the spectator to get an understanding of the POV of the bus prop. This generates a representation of the crossing being completely normal, interrupted by the soon-to-come drama.
This final shot is a big close up shot at high angle, shown after a fast pace zoom movement. This creates the impression that the bus is getting progressively closer to the victim at a massively high speed.

1 comment:

  1. You may need to use 'after effects' for this. Get some advice from Ollie or Sophie, and practice techniques asap.
