Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Monday 20 October 2014

Our Film Title!

Our Film Title

After a week of collecting feedback from our audience on SurveyMonkey we have finally recieved 10 feedbacks. As shown on the graph below our title choices recieved a 50/50 vote!

Below is a screen grab of a second question that we asked on our survey to discover the age of the member feeding back. The graph shows that 70% of the feedback we received is from our target demographic which is perfect.

Below is another graph which shows the results of our final question on our survey which asked whether the audience member was male or female. As shown, 90% of our feedback was from females. This is seen as beneficial to us as our target demographic is females. Our genre is teen, romance and drama which, evidently, appeals mostly to younger females, which our feedback mainly consists of.

Here is a picture of me collecting the feedback from the audience and discovering the name for our short film!

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