Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Applying media language to our final idea

  • The first shot shows a pair of odd shoes. A tracking shot will be used to track the shoes walking before they step over the camera. A low angle shot will be used here as at ground level (worms eye view) In the background we will be able to see the college corridor and maybe other people walking (props) We are proposing that the odd shoes will be converses if available to our actor.

  • The 2nd shot is a slow pan up of the girl as she is walking along to get a better view of her, it will be at a medium close up as the camera tilts up till we see her face. Background will see college premises.

  • In the 3rd shot we see a close up of her 'stick' suggesting some sort of disability. We see her disappearing behind a wall where we propose to place our titling of either Blind Faith or Out of Sight- deepening on audience feedback. This will be a wall in the college.

  • A long shot is used to see her appearing from behind the wall as the titling disappears.

  • The 5th shot will show a long shot of a group of bullies, showing one guy standing of to the side maybe suggesting that he is important in the film.

  • The next couple of shots use close ups and extreme close-ups showing the bullies taunting her for being blind 'you're so ugly and you can't even see it' We will probably use Foleys in the background of voices abusing her as if they are on her mind and being repeated continuously.

  • A crab will be used to go round Faith as if she is alone, a sound bridge will be used for the continuous taunting towards her. This will be next to the lockers in the common room (props)

  • We will be close-ups at this point of the character the audience will soon find out to be Ethan showing his disgust towards the bullying through his facial expressions.

  • Shot reverse shots will be used to show them having a conversation, this may act an enigma code to guess the genre of drama/ high school romance. At medium close ups the conversation will take place with a couple of 2 shots to compare them as characters.

  • 5 second clips are used in places to show them getting closer together as friends- an idea taken from the short film touch- this will be done with non-diegetic music in the background. Locations include Hayward's Heath town, Brighton Pier and beach and Starbucks cafĂ© and the woods. Props in this locations will include her 'blind stick' Starbucks cups and a teddy bear.

  • A variety of shots will be used in the Canteen scene to show Ethan's friends now bullying him for becoming friends with Faith. We are able to see Ethan's anger grow through the use of shot reverse shots and match on action.

  • We use a conversation on the beach for more information to be revealed about her disability through the use of shot reverse shots. Diegetic sounds of the waves will be used as the background noise.

  • The last couple of shots involve Ethan getting killed by a bus. We will be using rapid cutting in this section to build up the tension towards the end. Close ups will be used of the button being pushed, the light turning red and their legs stepping into the road to make it more dramatic. We will be showing this scene from many different angles including the other side of the road and maybe on the bus. Slow motion will be used towards the end to gain drama.

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