Maisie, Megan, Jack

Maisie, Megan, Jack

Tuesday 7 October 2014


[starts with a few shots of Ethan watching Faith, seeing her by herself. He sees her being bullied and wonders why]

[Ethan sees bullies knock a stack of books from her hands. They run away laughing and he helps Faith pick up books]
Ethan - Uh, here you go [holds out books, Faith doesn't take them, as if she ignores them]
Faith - Sorry?
Ethan - Uh, your books
Faith - Oh, right. Thank you
Ethan - Are you, uh, okay?
Faith - Oh, yeah, I'm fine
Ethan - Oh [pause] oh god, are you- blind?
Faith - Yeah, yeah I am
Ethan - Oh god, sorry, I didn't realise
Faith - It's fine, not everyone does
Ethan - Okay, well, you're okay getting around?
Faith - Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, again
[she walks away]
Ethan - Oh, uh, don't forget your books
Faith - Oh! Sorry, thank you
[Faith takes the books]
Faith - I don't think I caught your name
Ethan - Oh, I'm Ethan
Faith - I'm Faith. Hi
Ethan - Hi
[she walks away]

[a few shots show Ethan talking to Faith more, them sitting and laughing together. They go to several places and they grow closer]

[Ethan sitting with his friends and is getting texts from Faith]
Friend - Is that your girlfriend, again?
Ethan - She's not my girlfriend
Friend - You text her a lot
Ethan - We're just friends, okay?
Friend - Why do you still hang out with her?
Ethan - She's nice
Friend - She's blind
Ethan - And?
Friend - It's like she's [pause] broken
Ethan - Shut up!
Friend - Well, I know she's broken
Ethan - Could you be any more insulting?! You know what, screw you [leaves]
Friend - [calls after him] She's not worth it!

[walking through woods]
Ethan - So how long have you been blind?
Faith - Excuse me, 10% vision over here!
Ethan - Alright, alright! [laughs] How long have you had [imitates Faith's voice] 10% vision?
Faith - [laughs] About two years
Ethan - Really?
Faith - My eyesight was already pretty bad before, and it wasn't getting any better
Ethan - Did you have, like, a condition?
Faith - Just poor eyesight. Okay, I had a choice; either go on with my life and let my vision gradually get worse until I can't see a thing, or have an op that'll save me at least some vision [pause] It was scary at the time
Ethan - I'm not surprised
[silence, diegetic sound of trees]
Ethan - Does it make you sad?
Faith - What?
Ethan - That you can't, well, see?
Faith - Oh, well, not really. I mean, I miss it every now and then, but sometimes the world seems better [pause] when you can't see it
[Ethan thinks for a few moments and then smiles]

[a few more shots of Faith and Ethan together, this time in Brighton. They go to the pier and go on the arcades. They then go to Starbucks and afterwards, a retro photobooth. He tries to hold her hand, but doesn't quite do it. They're then shown walking across a road and Faith accidently drops the photo. Ethan sees and stops to pick it up, not noticing a bus heading down the road towards him. He looks up but it's too late for him to react. The screen goes black]

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